Friday 12 October 2012

Sri Veerabrahmendra Swami Kalagnanam Highlights

Kaliyuga’s 5000 years hence starting from the years by name ‘Prabhava’ to ‘Pardhiva’ there would be many cataclysms all over the world. Mass deaths of people, animals, and soldiers would happen. Fire bursts, poisonous gases, volcanic eruptions, torrential rains, tornados, world wars, landslides, explosions in mountains, killings by lifeless machines, deluges in rivers and oceans would wipe out lives on a large scale. World War-II ended in last Pardhiva (1945); again the next Pardhiva was 2005 before which we had seen Tsunami which claimed 230,210lives. When Saturn enters Zodiac sign Gemini, many sinners would be killed. And in the year named ‘Ananda’ ‘Kali Dharma’ would decline. (This means again loss of lives to relieve the burden of earth). When Saturn enters a zodiac he remains there for 2.5 years as per astrological calculations; but when he enters Gemini, due to the effect of Kalagyana, that period remains devastating to the world. Saturn entered Gemini in the years 1913, 1943, 1973, and 2003. In 1913 (created World War-1 where causalities were 37 million), 1943 (killed 50-70 million in World War-2), 1973 (Famine of 1974 in Bangladesh claiming 1,000,000 lives, Cyclone named 'Super Typhoon Nina' in China claiming 210,000 lives), 1973 (Dhaka Tornado of 1973 claimed 681 lives, & Banqiao Dam failure- China in 1975 claimed 231,000 lives), 2003 (Bam earthquake- Iran claiming 26,271 lives, European heat wave claiming 40,000 lives, Indian Ocean Tsunami of Indonesia in 2004 claimed 230,210 lives, Kashmir Earthquake of 2005 claimed 79,000 lives). The year named ‘Ananda’ repeated itself in 1915 and 1974 whose death tolls have been mentioned above. “Fair faced (Sweta Mukhi) people would rule this country. This verse foretells about British rule on India.


  1. There is a third world war fast approaching. A comet ( mentioned in the Book of Revelations) is making fast approach and will destroy one third of the land in January 2037. It will impact Europe and will cause a famine. This famine will become gradually global. The Mahdi of Greater Arabia will launch a deceptive peace program and will get his hands on nuclear missiles. Islamic prophecies mention that Islamic invaders will be successful in invading Italy. It is also mentioned in the St. Malachy prophecies that Peter the Roman will preside over the destruction of the Church. after the asteroid ( hits the sea in June 2040 will destroy one third of the fishes and ships ) hostilities will break out paving the war in 2041 lasting 23 Years. Moreover 200 million soldiers mentioned in the Revelations book will kill 3 billion people about one third of the humanity. However the Christian prophecies and Indian prophecies mention about Kalki the last reincarnation of Vishnu who will restore order. Kalki was born in Shambala in the Telugu new year of Vishwavasu in 1965-66. He will appeart all his devotees in the year 2041 onwards. Do take a look at

    1. your are mixing nastrodamus and kalagnanam or what where this is mentioned about astroid arabic mahdi i have one doubt did anybody mention about narendra modi as pm and he will develop india

    2. your are mixing nastrodamus and kalagnanam or what where this is mentioned about astroid arabic mahdi i have one doubt did anybody mention about narendra modi as pm and he will develop india

  2. Thank you brother I thought modi is that man nastrodamus mentioned

  3. people fail to see narendra modi as the kalki avtar
